COVID-19 Response

Our highest priority is the health and safety of our team, partners and communities. As a business, we are taking extra precautions to protect our staff, customers, partners and the wider community and following the recommendations of the local authorities, and CDC regarding our work flow.

We are acutely aware of the disruptions the coronavirus update has presented to many of your businesses and the economy as a whole. We are doing everything we can to continue to provide you with the product and service you expect from Tufenkian. We are here to support you!

We have implemented a contingency plan to keep our warehouse operational and open for business. Here is what you can expect.

Count on us to support you

Our warehouse is open for business: Tufenkian shall operate within the scope of the Governor of New Jersey's mandate.  Specifically, (i) warehouse/distribution facilities are “essential” businesses and (ii) to the extent possible that we accommodate our workforce for work-from-home arrangements where practicable

Sales Support is available: Sales Support will working a combination of in-warehouse and from-home in isolated teams, to provide both support to our customers and meet social distancing guidelines

Disruptions will be minimized: we are doing everything in our power to manage warehouse business as normal through this unprecedented time. Most importantly, we are receiving goods and shipping to fulfill orders

Delivering Safely: the measures we're taking in our warehouse, through scheduling, enhanced cleaning and providing protective gear, will ensure that our employees, our delivery partners, and you are protected from exposure

We are here to help

Talk to us. Call 877.314.0888 and you will be routed to the appropriate person. Whether working from home or in the warehouse, we are available

We are flexible. Need an order held? Looking for something special? Especially in these times, our focus is to help you run your business well. Please let us know what you need 

We are thinking of you and your families and we wish everyone continued good health. Thank you for trusting us with your business.