There is upon first glance a deceptive neutrality to the rugs and carpets of Hearthstone; the tonality of wool pile evocative of natural aggregate materials long used as the foundation of an inviting and congenial interior space. Move closer as the warmth of the underlying complexity of craftsmanship is revealed through the richness of nuanced color and the subtlety of mixed neutrals, as though Hearthstone was hewn from the earth itself. Glimmers of cheerful color and a melange of unexpected textures, hint at an organic origin not unlike that found in the layered geological record. Handknotted in India and crafted of hand carded wool, Hearthstone carpets offer a luxuriously soft and comfortable respite, a refuge at the core of well appointed interiors.
Made with the finest natural materials and craftmanship, destined to last a lifetime and become more beautiful with age, our modern designs are timeless to match our quality, not trendy and fleeting. This assures that they will be appreciated and valued for generations.